
In 2021, Buckinghamshire’s population was 553,100. 61% of residents were of working age, compared to 63% nationally.

Buckinghamshire had a larger proportion of young people (0-15 year olds) than the national average (20% versus 19%) and a slightly larger proportion population of retired residents than the national average (19% versus 18%) (source: Census 2021)

At aggregate level, Buckinghamshire’s deprivation levels are low. With a 2019 Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) deprivation score of 10.1, Buckinghamshire is deemed the least deprived LEP area in England. However, there are pockets of deprivation within the county (particularly in Wycombe, Aylesbury and Chesham) and there is evidence of inequality.

The interactive map to the right shows how residents of each of the former local authority districts within Buckinghamshire rate their level of well-being.

For much more analysis of Buckinghamshire’s population, please click on over to the Bucks Data Exchange.

Well-being map of the UK

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