In August 2021, Buckinghamshire businesses highlighted the following issues and trends to Buckinghamshire Business First business advisors..

  • Material shortages and price rises
    • Particularly within the construction and manufacturing sectors
  • Supply chain delays
    • Causing difficulties for local firms operating across a wide range of sectors
    • Affecting firm's ability to fulfil orders and therefore impacting on profits
  • Staff shortages
    • Firms are still struggling to deal with shortages caused by staff having Covid or self-isolating
    • Skills shortages remain a key issue within the local film and TV industry, with studio space increasing and demand for staff high
  • Covid-19 travel rules
    • Businesses dependent on the travel industry continue to struggle

BBF use this intelligence to inform local business support activity, and share it with central Government (BEIS) on a weekly basis to inform national strategy.

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